Lesson 32 – Will You Become a Son or Daughter of God

1. What two classes of people are depicted in the Scriptures? 1 Thessalonians 5:5

2. The children of the night or of darkness are also identified by what other two names? Luke 16:8 Romans 9:8

3. As both groups are identified as being children, then who is the father of each group? 1 John 3:10 (first part)

4. How is a child of light or of God manifested? Romans 8:13-14

5. What other fruits or actions will someone who is led by the Spirit of God manifest? Galatians 5:22-24

6. All of these good fruits or actions of the children of God are depicted as being what? Ephesians 5:9

By following the truth of God, they have developed their characters in righteousness, and their

7. How is a child of darkness or of the devil manifested? 1 John 3:10 (last part)

8. What other fruits or actions will someone who is a child of the flesh or of the devil manifest? Galatians 5:19-21

9. All of these unrighteous fruits or actions of the children of the devil are depicted as making Ephesians 5:6

By refusing to follow the truth of God, they have developed their characters in unrighteousness, actions of obedience to God’s law prove that they are the children of God. However, their actions of disobedience of God’s law prove that they are the children of the devil.

10. If we reveal actions of adultery, fornication, envy, drunkeness, murder, etc., then who do we show is our real father? John 8:44

11. How can we distinguish between one who is a child of God versus one who is a child of the Matthew 7:20

Thus by the actions we manifest, anyone can easily determine exactly whose child we are.

12. For any who desire to become children of God, what must they do? Galatians 3:26-27

13. If we have been baptized into Christ, then we become baptized into what? Corinthians 12:13

14. Whose body do we become part of? Romans 12:4-5

15. What is another name for all those who have become a part of the body of Christ? Colossians 1:24

16. Who is the head or leader of this church or the body of Christ? Colossians 1:18

17. What further relationship do we enter into by becoming part of the body of Christ and of His 2 Corinthians 11:2

18. What is another name given for a chaste virgin that has become espoused or engaged? Isaiah 62:5

19. Is it really true that Christ, as the Bridegroom, enters into a marriage covenant with all those who have chosen to become His bride by becoming part of His body or church? Ephesians 5:23-24, 31-32

20. Why does Christ enter into marriage with His true followers? Ephesians 5:25-27

Thus the bride or the members of the church of Christ are depicted as becoming just like Christ in character and action – being holy, perfect and without blemish.

21. As Christ is the Husband of His church or bride, does the Devil have a church of his own that is made up of his body of followers? Revelation 3:9

As the members of the synagogue or church of Satan are depicted as lying, this tells us that they exhibit the same disobedient fruits as their father the Devil, and thus they will be easily recognized by these evil fruits. As the members of Satan’s church claimed to be Jews, or they claimed to be the true followers of God, then this tells us that there will be groups of people or denominations that will deceptively claim to be God’s true church. Yet because they do not obey God and keep all of His commandments, and do not reveal the holy fruits of the Spirit in their lives and actions, then they prove themselves to be nothing more than deceptive agents of the Devil trying to trap unwary souls to join and stay within their corrupted church ranks.

22. By what other two descriptive symbols is the synagogue or church of Satan depicted as? Revelation 17:1, 5

The Babylon spoken of here is not the literal kingdom of Babylon whose ancient capital city was located in what is now Iraq. But the Babylon referred to here is a symbol representing all those who have chosen Satan as their leader and have become corrupted by union with him. As the Bible depicts that there are only two different groups into which all classes of people will be found in – either the obedient children of God, or the disobedient children of the Devil – so there are only two different kinds of churches that all classes of people will be found members of – either Christ’s faithful bride, or Satan’s harlot of Babylon.

Even though there are hundreds of different named churches of today, yet every one of these will be found classified under just one of these two different churches depending on what fruits they exhibit. As nearly all of the Christian churches of today refuse to keep God’s seventh day Sabbath commandment and instead worship on Sunday, then by their disobedient actions they reveal themselves to be part of Babylon.

23. Is there to be any union between these two very different groups of followers or churches? Corinthians 6:15-16

24. What if you should find yourself connected in fellowship, communion or membership with a group or church that professes to serve God, but who are actually exhibiting fruits of disobedience showing them instead to be part of Satan’s church of Babylon? 2 Corinthians 6:17 (first part)

25. Why do we need to separate ourselves out from all the unclean churches of Babylon? Isaiah 52:11

26. How will we become unclean just by resting or remaining within corrupted churches? Revelation 18:4

God is calling all of His followers to come out from and completely forsake all that is corrupted by Babylon, so that they will not become unclean by being a partaker or sharer of her sins, and thus will not have to be punished along with her by suffering the plagues.

27. What consequences are there if we should refuse to separate ourselves away from all corrupt and polluted connections with Babylon, and instead be content to remain with the unclean? Micah 2:10

If we disobey God’s specific call to come out of Babylon, and instead choose to remain in fellowship, communion or membership with any group or church that is not keeping all of God’s commandments, then by our disobedience we show that we love the society of the rebellious more than we love following God. Thus we will become polluted by sharing in all their sins, and will lose everlasting life by suffering the wrath of God and being destroyed along with the wicked.

28. Is our eternal life really at stake if we choose to remain within any church of Babylon? Jeremiah 51:6, 45

29. What is the promise from God if we choose to obey His command and separate ourselves from Babylon and away from all of the unclean followers of Satan? 2 Corinthians 6:17-18

When do we become the actual sons or daughters of God? It is not until after we have showed our obedience to God by separating ourselves out of all unclean groups or churches of Babylon. Once we have broken all fellowship, communion and membership with any disobedient church of Babylon, have then connected ourselves fully with Jesus Christ, covenanting to be His chaste virgin and allowing His truth and righteousness to work in us to “cleanse us from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Corinthians 7:1), that we then become part His body, part of His bride or church, and God becomes our Father and we His children.

30. After we have obeyed God and separated away from all churches that make up Babylon, are we to remain alone and worship God by ourselves? Hebrews 10:23-25

31. As we cannot go back to those in Babylon, then who are we safe to fellowship with? 1 John 1:7

When possible, we are to seek to fellowship and worship with others who have also separated themselves from all Babylonian churches, and who are also walking in the light of truth as it is in Jesus, even if our church service occurs in our very homes (Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Colossians 4:15; Philemon 1:2).

32. What if we only find 1 or 2 others to fellowship with? Will Christ ignore our church service because of there being so few worshipers participating? Matthew 18:20

33. What are we to do with this glorious heaven-sent light about the need to separate from Babylon so that we can become the sons and daughters of God? John 13:17

In the Light of God’s Word…

I understand that the Bible reveals that there are only two groups that all people will be found in – either the obedient children of God, or the disobedient children of the Devil.

I understand that the Bible reveals that there are only two groups that all churches will be found in – either the faithful bride or church of Christ’s followers, or the harlot Babylon church of Satan’s.

I also understand that God is calling me to separate away from every church that is breaking any one of God’s commandments – including from every Sunday-keeping church, because their disobedience proves them to be part of Babylon.

I desire to become a faithful child of God, to become part of Christ’s body and purified church, and to keep myself as a pure, holy and chaste virgin bride for Christ until He comes back to take us home.