We would like to give you more insight into the awesome features of this Online Church.

Live Video and Live Chat

Imagine a web page: on the left-hand side, there is a live video where people can learn how to dig deeper in the bible and discover the imperishable, infinite, life-giving treasures to be found there. On the right-hand side, you will find a chat hosted by volunteers that truly care for each attendee. The hosts will be there to moderate the chat, welcome new attendees, and keep the conversation on spiritual things. In this chat, you will be able to connect with others from around the world. You are also able to discuss, study the subject being presented and learn with the other members in the chat. You can even ask for special prayer, or request for a private chat with one of our hosts and seek help or counsel from them if needed.

Live Prayer

In a few locations on the web page, there is found a Live Prayer button, which visitors and attendants will be able to click at any time; this will connect them with a trusted volunteer host who they can pray with. In this live prayer chat, you will be able to have someone pray for and encourage you with God’s word. A team of volunteer hosts will be equipped to provide resources, links and follow-up publications. For some of these visitors, it will be their first opportunity to accept Christ as their personal Savior. Our volunteer hosts will be able to pray with each person as they give their hearts to Christ. Think about all the precious souls that will surrender their lives to God through this button!


On the right, there is not only a live chat but a series of tabs as well. If you click the second tab, you will have options to see the sermon notes; these you can actually edit with your own notes, save a personal copy, and email or download them. Only one tab can be open at a time. The third tab will have a Bible; this is kind of like having a Bible in the pew for each attendee so that everyone can follow along whether they have a bible or not. The next tab will have a schedule of all the events and services. The last tab will be a contact page where attendees can write any prayer requests or contact volunteers with other questions or requests.


The Online Church has a button that translates the entire online church interface words into multiple languages with just one click! Translations on the chat are done live, by the program, for users from other countries; for example, we can be speaking in English and they will be reading the written chat in Spanish, or whatever language they set it to! We are talking about Acts chapter 2 type communications! This is like a modern gift of tongues! God has provided a means for bringing the gospel to every country. The program will even translate the sermon notes instantly, and the attendee can do all of their live interaction on the page in their mother tongue while being understood by other language speaking attendees.

Sharing Made Easy

The social media share buttons found on the web page provides such a simple way to invite friends and family to church so that they can get involved and learn the gospel. You will be able to share your faith in such a simple manner with these share buttons. Social media is like a free billboard to the world! Everyone’s social media page or profile is a platform to publish the Word of God. The button to make a Bible study go public to the world is called “Publish”. This is Modern publishing! This is what God is inviting us to be a part of. In Mark 13:10 Jesus said, “And the gospel must first be published among all nations.”
God has truly blessed us in this work, we can see His guiding hand and it gives us assurance to make continual advancements. Even if we are starting small, with just a few volunteers, Luke 16:10 says “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much”. We want to be faithful with what God is giving us each day. We walk by faith, doing what we can with what we have and trusting God with the rest.

God has truly blessed us in this work, we can see His guiding hand and it gives us assurance to make continual advancements. Even if we are starting small, with just a few volunteers, Luke 16:10 says “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much”. We want to be faithful with what God is giving us each day. We walk by faith, doing what we can with what we have and trusting God with the rest.

What are your thoughts? Would you join this big movement with us?

Click here to see our Online Church page!